
Outreach - Allgemein

Ihre Suche lieferte keine passenden Ergebnisse.

Outreach - Industrie

M.C. Lemme "Integrated Graphene Devices," Semicon Europa, Emerging Research Materials, Graphene and 2D Dresden Deutschland 08.10.2013 - 10.10.2013 R&D managers and engineers, 40 participants
M.C. Lemme "GRADE Project Presentation," European Nanoelectronics Forum Barcelona Spanien 27.11.2013 - 28.11.2013 Industry and policy makers, European stakeholders in Nanoelectronics
M.C. Lemme "Graphene for Electronics - Attempting a Realistic Assessment," Innovations Kolloquium Regensburg, Infineon Regensburg Deutschland 16.12.2013 Engineers and Researchers from Infineon, 70 participants
M.C. Lemme "Themenabend Graphen und 2D Materialien," Fachgruppe Graphen Duesburg Deutschland 05.08.2014 Industry, Researchers and Policy Makers, 100 participants, incl. Svenja Schulze, Research & Innovation Minister of North Rhine Westphalia

Outreach - Wissenschaftliches Publikum

M.C. Lemme "Graphene Electronic Devices," Tutorial at the European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) Bucharest Rumänien 16.09.2013 Industry and Academic researchers, 35 participants
M.C. Lemme "Graphene Devices for More-Than-Moore Applications," WinFab Scientific Day Louvain La Neuve Belgien 18.10.2013 Scientists and PhD students, 70 participants
M.C. Lemme "Graphene Devices for Nanoelectronics and Nanoelectromechanical Applications," The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Castelldefels Spanien 20.02.2014 Scientists and PhD students, 50 participants
M.C. Lemme " ," Coloque MINOS, MINATEC Grenoble Frankreich 16.03.2015 - 18.03.2015 PhD students ~50