
Outreach - General Public

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Outreach - Industry

M.C. Lemme "Integrated Graphene Devices," Semicon Europa, Emerging Research Materials, Graphene and 2D Dresden Germany 2013-10-08 - 2013-10-10 R&D managers and engineers, 40 participants
M.C. Lemme "GRADE Project Presentation," European Nanoelectronics Forum Barcelona Spain 2013-11-27 - 2013-11-28 Industry and policy makers, European stakeholders in Nanoelectronics
M.C. Lemme "Graphene for Electronics - Attempting a Realistic Assessment," Innovations Kolloquium Regensburg, Infineon Regensburg Germany 2013-12-16 Engineers and Researchers from Infineon, 70 participants
M.C. Lemme "Themenabend Graphen und 2D Materialien," Fachgruppe Graphen Duesburg Germany 2014-08-05 Industry, Researchers and Policy Makers, 100 participants, incl. Svenja Schulze, Research & Innovation Minister of North Rhine Westphalia

Outreach - Scientific Community

M.C. Lemme "Graphene Electronic Devices," Tutorial at the European Solid State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) Bucharest Romania 2013-09-16 Industry and Academic researchers, 35 participants
M.C. Lemme "Graphene Devices for More-Than-Moore Applications," WinFab Scientific Day Louvain La Neuve Belgium 2013-10-18 Scientists and PhD students, 70 participants
M.C. Lemme "Graphene Devices for Nanoelectronics and Nanoelectromechanical Applications," The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) Castelldefels Spain 2014-02-20 Scientists and PhD students, 50 participants
M.C. Lemme " ," Coloque MINOS, MINATEC Grenoble France 2015-03-16 - 2015-03-18 PhD students ~50