

NSF US EU Workshop on 2D Layered Materials and Devices

We are happy to report that the Final Report for the NSF US EU Workshop on 2D Layered Materials and Devices that was held in Arlington, VA in April 2015, has been completed and approved by the NSF for public release.

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Forschungssemester in Siegen

Wir, das Institut für Graphen-basierte Nanotechnologie, freuen uns, Prof. Dr. Francisco Javier García Ruiz für ein Forschungssemester an der Universität Siegen begrüßen zu dürfen.

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GNT@ ESSDERC: 3 contributed papers, one Tutorial and a Workshop

The GNT group continues to drive the state of the art in graphene RF devices and circuits in Europe. Three papers with GNT contributions were presented in the week from September 14 to 18 in Graz, Austria at the European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), the premier device conference in Europe. The research in the accepted papers includes original work on electrical contacts to graphene (presented by Amit Gahoi), graphene hot electron transistors and reliability of graphene field effect transistors.

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“Going Ballistic”: review paper on graphene hot electron transistors published

A comprehensive review paper on the state of the art in graphene-based hot electron transistors has been published in the journal Solid State Communications. Part of a topical issue, this invited work summarizes the joint efforts of the GRADE consortium and the ERC project InteGraDe on this innovative electronic device concept, which we termed “Graphene Base Transistor”, or GBT. The paper summarizes experimental data and theoretical predictions of the GBTs potential for high frequency analog applications. The paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Wolfgang Mehr, the inventor of the GBT.

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